Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bored on a Sunday...

... Actually, bored is the wrong word.

"Bored" implies a state of inherent dissatisfaction, when in fact I'd like nothing more than for the weekend to literally drag on until the Heat Death of the Universe(TM).

Which would be good, because then the start of next week could tie in nicely in terms of timing for when HBO finally get off their ass and release "The Pacific". Why, when a movie, book or game is produced and otherwise ready to go, do people insist on holding off on releasing it until the maximum of wailing, teeth-gnashing and general angst is at it's maximum?

Why? Because they're cunts.

Not like the lovely people at this place. The fiance and I had our Engagement party last weekend at the Cott, and it was smashin! Good food platters, and the tab actually lasted - woot!! Anyway, if anyone I know actually reads this and was there - thanks for comin! We also scored some great gifts which weren't in any way expected, but will be very much appreciated nonetheless...

The rest of the week we basically entertained the fiance's family who'd come over from the land of eternal faggotry and it was nice to have them, but now that they're gone home it is nice to have things kinda return to a more normal pace - typically meaning doing six eighths of fuck all on weeknights after work other than playing Civ4 while the missus watches the 1,394,576th episode of 'Off Pedder'.

This week was a bit wierd for more than just the in-laws being around... what's with Paul Murray being on ABC Radio? I mean, there's no denying the guy's an experienced radio presenter, but I'd like to think I'm a little bit elevated in the evolutionary chain above the intellectual level of your typical 6PR listener - so not only does it a feel a bit wrong being part of his audience, but I'm beginning to see why he's been employed on such a lengthy basis at 6PR and at The West Australian newspaper.

The thing I liked most about Geoff Hutchinson, who usually does ABC Mornings is that basically, unlike most of the presenters on commercial FM Radio (Would put in a link here, but there's far too many Darwin Award contenders to just choose one), he's not a twat. He's actually just a pleasant sounding, moderately viewed, quietly spoken individual, who presents things that are important enough for other people to sound off on... more importantly, he allows whatever is playing out to tell it's own story via the people he's interviewing or the callers calling in.

Murray on the other hand, tries to play up the sensationalist angle with every fourth or fifth question, trying to rile his audience up as if he feels they're not getting their fix of tabloid crap from the other WA media outlets he's worked for. Having said that, this particular piece of "news" got my attention earlier today.

Post-Kapooka "initiation"? WTF? I'm based at the same location mentioned in this story ("a WA barracks"), and have been since 2001. I don't know of any post basic training hazing that goes on at any of the units, either isolated or institutionalised. If anything, blokes coming back from Kapooka are generally met with a knowing grin, reassuringly advised that they don't need to stand fast for NCOs entering a room, and that "it's over and they can calm down and relax". I've never witnessed or even heard of any kind of hazing... the kind of harsh discipline applied which may result in complaints from the more limp wristed civilian who can't handle the psychological transition to soldiery usually results in complaints at Kapooka, not after it.

But what I do know is that the RAE just had their spiffy and rather awesome Oktoberfest function last Saturday night. Although I didn't attend, I've heard it was a bloody great night for the most part... and for that matter I also heard one or two dickheads decided to get out of control, and were given a bit of a talking to as a result. Regardless of whether there's any link between that night and the alleged hazing, I wouldn't be surprised if the "bullying" was actually one soldier acting like a dickhead, and being pulled into line... at which point the butthurt soldier involved decided to contact the media.

And if the media aren't shitting me off enough...

The epic fail which this bullshit is drowning in is just fucking unbelievable. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not butthurt about this particular game being banned. L4D is an awesome game, but I've got it on Steam... I'm happy with that much. What pisses me off is that the average Australian gamer (Whom according to a stack of independantly acquired evidence) is actually 30 years of age, continues to have a gobsmackingly stupid imbecile refuse to allow mature adults to decide what games they can and can't play via an R18+ rating. Can the retards in South Australia, please please please vote this dumb cunt out of office already?